Monday, 9 July 2012

I Hate the English Weather

Everyone keeps telling me that it's going to be an Indian summer, that August will be really nice and hot, that I won't be able to watch Ice Age 4 any time soon because of the queues for tickets.

This irritates me for a number of reasons.

For a while I didn't actually know what an Indian summer was until my French teacher told me what it meant. It basically, to the best of my understanding, means that summer will still be summer! Just, y'know....later. Which is frustrating. I am FED UP of this RUBBISH weather. I went out twice yesterday - during a month's worth of rain. I looked like I had drowned, according to my mother. T'was not fun.

Even if August is really nice and hot for London - and I hope it will be for my friends sakes - I WON'T BE HERE TO APPRECIATE IT.
I'm going to France for my summer holiday (*eep*) and I'm very much looking forward to getting myself a tan - a novelty, considering how good my track record for tanning is. August should be nice and hot, but preferable I would like a nice warm July as well.

And finally, in case you didn't realise......THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN (the boys are back in town!)

Yes, our favourite woolly mammoths, sloths and sabre-tooth tigers are back! I suspect the title speaks for itself but I'm just going to add one thing - MONKEY PIRATES. 'Nuff said. I suspect that a lot of people will be reading this and going, 'what? this is a teenage girl?!' to which I reply 'Yes, yes I am. but WHO CARES?'

Seriously, though, I am a GIANT child at heart. I mean, come on, I grew up watching these guys. It's like saying you can't watch Toy Story because you're too old for that. You can't watch Harry Potter because you're too old for that. You're not allowed to go and watch Monsters Inc. 2 because YOU'RE TOO OLD FOR THAT.

Yeah, so not going to happen. I can't wait to see these movies, and as I'm going with some of my closest friends it's going to be a ball.


ScotsGirl x 

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