Wednesday, 11 July 2012

I Don't Think I'm Normal

But then, I guess, that's why I'm me. Me, and no-one else.

I'm pretty sure that there are some grammar freaks freaking out about that last sentence.


But then again, why don't I think I'm normal? Well, aside from all the obvious stuff, like DNA, characteristics, and genomes, my personality - especially recently, has gone off on a meander. By this I mean that recently I've gone on a film binge, catching up a lot of movies that I've not seen in a while - Disney, for example. However, something very strange has happened. I've started to cry at movies. And not just when you're supposed to, either. I mean literally about once per movie I well up and tear just a little bit - usually when the happiest part of the movie is.


I'm crying with happiness an awful lot.

I'm definitely not normal.

But then again, I wouldn't have me any other way.


ScotsGirl x 

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